Thanks for the feedback on the Multi-Level in 1 file approach. I know it's not for everyone. Some of you don't like messing with layers. That's never been a drawback for me - I have aliased the Layer commands (were from ExpressTools) to quick shortcuts and use them alot as I work and have found it very efficient to do so. (I've now incorporated those shortcuts into my Levels autolisp so you will have them if you ask for it (& provide email)). Makes it quick to manipulate between layer set groups, or singles whilst I am working on different parts of a drawing. However my ML system is tied to a layer set and that may be a drawback for some. Some have asked for (& received) a sample file (you need to give me your email address - I will NOT publish online). Maybe a system such as this could be incorporated into the product somehow like the Renovation set but I wouldn't like to see it get complicated. I like it simple. Along with my understanding of the roof object this has made residential work SO much quicker.
Did I mention that I use a different wall cleanup group per floor? Again easy to create. Open Style Manager, Drag Standard down until a + symbol appears at the mouse, let go and another cleanup group, nicely named 'Standard (2)' for the 2nd floor appears. If you use something other than Standard for your walls then just copy that. I only just discovered the 'drag and let go' routine. Makes it so easy!! I then manually change my upper floor walls over to the new group. Haven't thought of a way to automate that yet nor explored fully how the change to the cleanup's for walls at different Z levels (version 2009) has made but it all works fine with the seperate cleanup group. (As I often will use a similar previous drawing as a template for the next job, I will often have an existing wall to 'As Selected' right click on and draw with so it already has the cleanup group set. i.e. I've changed to Level 2, the old level 2 is there off to the right and I click on a typical wall, right click and choose 'As Selected'

By diving into the DM 'Sets' (see image) and adding a 2nd 'Set', copied of the 1st such as 'Plan', dragging 'Plan' so the mouse shows a '+' symbol and dropping I get a 'Plan (2)' set. Perfect! I can do this for however many different display styles I want for the stair utilising the OOTB ones preferably. So Plan, Plan Presentation, Reflected, etc. If you want you can simplify and use the same 'Plan' display for all your different display's whether it be working plan or a reflected ceiling plan.
Now moving down to Representation by Object, scrolling down to 'Stair' and we do the same thing to add another display representation set but this is only going to apply to the stair. Again this is done to the OOTB template and is quite easy to do, however most times I grab a similar project as a template and it's already set up. Differently as done for the display representation 'Configuration', I am going to do a little more than just alter the cutplane however don't panic! It's not complex. So here we go.
Selecting an existing display I want to copy for a 2nd floor and dragging down it becomes a new one with a (2) appended. Ideal!! Now we just need to scroll across and associate the (2) with the Display 'Set' (2) and unassociate the original with the (2) set. Ok your way out and then draw a stair in a (Presentation) display. Editing the style you should only see one set to alter (it's the bolded one). (2) should not be bold. Now change your display set to a (2) and again edit the stair style. If you made your changes correctly, you should be now editing a newly created display rep for the stair for the 2nd floor and whatever changes you make will only appear for the 2nd floor. Now this makes it easy to set up a stair for ground floor showing the stairs going up and for the 2nd floor display with the stair going down! Or however you like it to show!! The final display changes can be done in the environment you are familiar with through working the style from the stair itself. See these 2 images.
Viewports (update) will need to be adjusted for each level displayed. It's seems that if you have not changed a viewports display rep then it will be whatever your current model space is set to. However if you specifically change the display rep inside a viewport, it will stay that way and not automatically alter (no idea what variable that is). So if you are setting up a viewport for your 2nd floor, double click inside the viewport and change the setting to Medium Detail(2) or whichever you need. Then also change the Elevation setting and you are done. If I use a previous job as my template these are already set though the 2nd floor level may be a little differerent height and may need to be altered. - easy!
Stairs another way (PN & X-ref's).(update)

Spanning Walls
If you have got a file from me and it has Plan Presentation (2) in the Display Manager under Representation by Object - Walls, then it's not required except where I was trying for a spanning wall which needed, like the stair, to be able to be viewed differently from the 2nd level. This would require a style over-ride for a style only used for spanning, or an object override. I'll have to discuss this in another blog but you don't need this except if you are trying to avoid horizontal lines between same plane upper & lower walls in your elevations. Since I often use alive elevations (the model viewed from different sides with hidden lines) for sketch presentations I've tried to use this option. I'm not sure it's successful but Watch this space !